Categories: Adventure

Useful Tips for Fun Winter Road Trips

Taking a winter road trip can be fun and exhilarating. However, when driving in cold temperatures, you need to be a little extra careful and ready every challenge that might come your way. Take a look at how you should prepare for your winter road trip.

Tips for Winter Road Trips

Check weather forecast

You might not be able to alter your travel plans as per the weather forecast, but you may be able to change the schedule by an hour or two, and that can make a huge difference in your safety and enjoyment.

Get your car tuned

Get your car tunedGet your car tuned

Whether a winter road trip, or one in summer, you should always take your car to the mechanic and get it tuned for the journey. Make sure there are sufficient levels of engine oil, power steering fluid, transmission fluid and break fluid in your car before you hit the road.

Drive at a reasonable pace

Drive at a reasonable paceDrive at a reasonable pace

Driving during the winter season is quite different from driving during the summer season, when the skies and roads are clear. Low temperature can also take a toll on your body. Thus, it is better to keep your expectations low.

Get the right tires

Tires are one of the most crucial components to consider when planning a winter road trip, especially if you will come across snow in your journey. Keep snow chains in your car, and in case you are planning to drive on icy roads for a long period, it would be better to use special winter tires that are built to withstand such conditions.

Keep jumper cables

Low temperature can have drastic effects on the car battery. If you have jumper cables in your car, all you need is another vehicle to give yours a boost. Moreover, make sure your drive long enough to give battery enough time to recharge before you turn it off.

Clean your car properly

Some people only clean their windshield and let the snow rest on the hood. But as you drive, this snow can easily slide on to the windshield and leave you blinded. The same goes for the snow on the top of your car as it might blow off and blind the person driving behind you.

Give yourself extra time

You can’t drive as fast on a winter road trip as you would during summers. Keep some extra time in your itinerary. Moreover, snowfall, rain and traffic jams can also take time off your schedule and leave you with very little for enjoyment and fun.

Book the right hotel

Snowfall can often leave some hotels inaccessible. If you are driving to a destination with heavy snowfall, make sure that the hotel you are booking remains accessible during all weather conditions.

Pick a comfortable vehicle

When you decide to go on a road trip, it becomes necessary to pick a comfortable vehicle. If the bike or car you are picking for your road trip isn’t comfortable, try modifying it according to your needs. A more comfortable seat and headlight will let you drive more than expected.

Get your vehicle insured

Always buy vehicle insurance before you head out on your road trip. An insurance policy will secure you from any vehicle-related perils that you may face during the trip. It will also secure you and your vehicle from any unfortunate events during the trip.

Do not overpack

Avoid over-packing during your trip. We recommend you carry disposable stuff which can be used and thrown away. Do not carry any heavy items that will increase your load on your road trip. For instance, instead of carrying a whole bottle of shampoo, carry small sachets. Also, do not carry a lot of clothes as this will increase the burden of your luggage. Ensure to pack some medicines in case of medical emergencies during your trip.

Have a Flexible Itinerary

A flexible itinerary is crucial for every journey, especially a winter road trip. If you are travelling to a place with heavy snowfall, you could get stuck somewhere, with no option rather than waiting for a day or two for the snow to clear out. A flexible itinerary can help you be prepared for all contingencies and enjoy your getaway to the fullest.

Pack Good Sunglasses

Sunglasses are important if you are travelling to a place with snow, and completely unmissable when you are going to be driving amidst the snow. Sun rays bouncing off the glistening white snow can hamper your vision and make driving immensely difficult. Thus, we advise you to pack a good pair of sunglasses for your winter road trip.

Now that you are ready for your winter road trip, what are you waiting for? Call your gang, book your hotel and hit the road. And in case a road trip isn’t your thing, then check out the unbeatable flight booking offers on HappyEasyGo.

Ram Pal

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